me, molly, and the moon

Monday, November 13, 2006

happy moon day

Molly's new trick, in celebration of her sixth lunar month, is sitting:) She sits, supporting herself with her hands, when we position her. It's awesome. She looks like a tiny little girl. She had her first sanctioned taste of food yesterday- two little fingerfulls of mashed potato off her Mawmaw's plate. She seemed to dig it, so sweet potatoes may be our first real feeding. I want to wait until her little gut recovers from the onslaught of the antibiotics and then try yummies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey heidi!

I started Molly's hat with gusto, trying a new top down pattern. turned out HUGE. will go to the Dulaan Project. But don't give up on me, I haven't forgotten. Let me know by email, where I can send it when it's done. Now it will be knitted after December 2, because I just committed to the Knit Unto Others charity (promising to knit only for charity during these next two weeks of commercialism!) I know you will understand...and...Molly did her little bit of kindness as well as me for a cold child in Mongolia, now didn't she? :) Blessings on her. Love, Marianne