me, molly, and the moon

Monday, February 12, 2007

unconscious mutterings

  1. The best thing :: would be chocolate

  2. Hold :: me closer tiny dancer i love shane

  3. Rapture :: =blondie, but would I have written that if Eden hadn't? maybe I would have typed sex, but as we know I'm a nursing born-again virgin.

  4. Cover :: make-up. can i find a good shade at the health food store? can I afford that? need some for fundraiser party. will aunt P still buy me a dress?

  5. Restrictive :: corset

  6. Baker :: dozen i want sugar cookies

  7. Author :: who am I reading? who wrote Life of Pi? Martel? that was great. need new book. Second Nature was OK but reading large print made me feel cheated like the book was artifically long. Nice to hold book at normal distance. why don't I wear my reading glasses?
  8. Pill :: hormones

  9. Months :: pregnant. i'll never have a giant belly again how sad but i was so miserable at the end

  10. Valentine’s Day :: red; see #1; do i have time to make shane a card this year? i always do have to sneak & do one by hand maybe

thanks, Eden, for the link. never heard of Unconscious Mutterings. now I have. 'S good.


Stephanie said...

It is fun but I think so visually it's usually a description of my visual picture & it's long & involved ;)

Midwest said...

I too have been craving sugar cookies. I make really good ones, thick and chewy. Mmmm.