me, molly, and the moon

Friday, August 18, 2006


Molly had her first head bump today, by which I mean she fell on her head. She was on the couch, where her Brilliant and Conscientious Mother had posed her on a pillow and was beginning to snap a photograph, when the baby rolled a bit and toppled into the floor- onto her tiny, precious, vulnerable, skull-isn't-even-finished-forming head.

I picked her up, comforted her lovingly, and she stopped crying fairly quickly. I called my mother-in-law, just figuring I should confess to someone and I knew Shane had repeated head injuries as a child, so she'd be a good bet to reassure me that I am not an abusive and neglectful mom. She laughed her ass off, and I could hear Dad-in-law in the background just cackling. I thanked her for talking me down, hung up the phone and fell completely apart for a few minutes, sobbing and rocking the baby while she squirmed and wondered why mommy was having a psychotic break.

I watched for a bump, but there appears to be no damage done whatsoever.

The pictures are from before the Incedent, when she was safely planted on terra firma.


Devra said...

I think almost all parents experience "Roll, Bump". Maybe that would be a better film, at least more popular than "Roll Bounce" ; )
Fortunately babies are somewhat like little drunk people: they haven't figured out how to brace their fall so when they experience these minor mishaps, they weather them well. And take heart that like her PKU test, she won't remember this!

Heidi said...

Thanks, Devra:) My husband says babies are made of rubber until they're about 2. Your blog is wonderful!

Gwen said...

They are lovely pictures, Molly is so cute. As for the fall I am sad to say as soon as she is a bit mobile she will bump herself all on her own. When Aidan was about her age I had him on our bed for just a sec while I was getting dressed and he decided to roll right off. I was much more upset than he was.

Devra said...

I wish I were made of rubber. I am quite clumsy. *sigh* Thanks for the compliment on the blog, we work hard and it's nice to hear when someone likes it!